How not to do it
All materials
Poor work
The strangest freubel products are sometimes found on cushions and mattresses. To save costs, pieces of foam are often stuck together, sometimes ridiculed. We regularly encounter sticky workpieces in which several qualities of foam are glued together. Sometimes you have to glue parts together, but at Neptune we only do this if this has no adverse consequences. In some situations it smells of scams. Close the zipper and checkout! So pay close attention to whom you entrust your assignment to and, if necessary, check the ready-made cushions.
This latex mattress consists of several pieces. This is, of course, outrageous and against scams.
This is extreme, but we often come across mattresses that consist of several pieces. Comfort foam is costly and in this way, cut remnants can still generate considerable money.
Extreme work was also done on the seat cushions below, the customer came to visit us because the seating comfort was not good, this emerged when we unpacked the cushions. We also regularly encounter poor work with seat and back cushions. This is cost-saving but bad for the service life and seating comfort of the upholstery.